
Four phases we progress drills at our camps

Here’s a post by Joerik Michiels on how we teach basketball skills in a dynamic way. This post was shared in September on our online coaches platform.

“There are four phases I use in my way of thinking of developing and progressing a drill.

Phase A: On Air

On Air is typically used for teaching a new skill, error detection and form.
Focus on form first, speed second.
Use the on air phase early in practice, for cool-downs or for review.

“Scripted defense” is used while practicing On Air: a coach or defender can guide (standing to contest) and implement the finish or shot but not affect the decision.
Too many coaches stay too long in Phase A when teaching a new concept which leads to limited transfer due to no defense and decision-making necessity.

Phase B: Guided Defense

We create a situation where the player must use a decision (either/or).
Start with 2 reads and be wary of the guided defender self-organizing and giving the offense a read not yet taught.
Load in more decisions as they become relevant.
As a coach focus first on: decision, second on timing and execution.
Try to make no absolutes: leave room for creativity = if it’s used to solve a problem.

2 options:
– guided light: you only give them the read
– guided live: after giving him the read it’s live play

Want to train this way soon? Check out our upcoming camp agenda for under 12 players up to single topic specialization camps here.

Phase C: Competing Drill

Competing in a small sided game but not 5v5.
Focus on execution first, pressure secnd.

For example: 1vs1.

Offense can start in an advantage, or can turn a neutral position into an advantage.

Phase D: The Game 5v5s

Can players perform the skill at the right time in a game without thinking about it?
Create a context in the 5v5 game setting.”

Looking for a camp during the next school holiday?

We offer different types of camps:

  • Very specialized topic camps in smaller groups such as Elite Guard and Art of Shooting Camp
  • Larger group camps such as Christmas Camp with skill stations for players starting with a minimum of 2 years experience
  • Sleepover Camp: our absolute best camp experience in international environment with sleepover option
  • Low hoops camp: the Secret Is In The Basics camp for U10 to U14 kids

Find our camp agenda here.

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